
In July 1955 Hobart Lamb responded to God’s call to move from LaFollette, Tennessee, to begin a Southern Baptist work in the Indianapolis area. The mission met first in a three-room stone building in Mars Hill, then in the meeting room of the Mars Hill Fire Department, and finally in the home of Burton Fippen on Foltz Avenue. There he and 26 others organized the church on November 18, 1955.
The church quickly outgrew this building and moved to their first real church home at 2828 S. Foltz Avenue. It was at this site, since the church was conceived in Maywood and established in Mars Hill that it became known as Marwood. In 1965 the church purchased three acres at 3940 Mann Road in order to build a new church building. Later the church purchased an additional 18 acres of adjacent land. Eight pastors have served the church during its history.

Today the church continues to provide a place of spiritual nourishment for those in the surrounding neighborhoods through worship, Bible study for all ages, and discipleship.